Hello Thrifters! Caroline of Un-Fancy and Lee of StyleBee start their 10×10 summer wardrobe remix today, and although I didn’t have time to write up my remix selections beforehand, since I’m already living out of a totebag with 10 items (hello back-to-back family reunions!) I figured I might as well play along. (Click here to see my 10×10 spring wardrobe challenge.)
What’s a 10×10 remix? 10 pieces of clothing, 10 outfits, 10 days. What you count as an item is up to you (I’m not counting shoes, workout gear, outerwear) since the point isn’t following strict rules – it’s using limitations to spark creativity. I’m not sure this edition of the remix, will spark all that much creativity, since I’m using tried and true travel outfits. But I may be surprised…and even if I’m not, I hope you all will enjoy seeing what I wore!
Day 1 – Travel & a Hike
We’re flying from Atlanta to Minneapolis, waiting four hours to pick up my sister and her husband, then driving four hours to a family reunion in Iowa. Temps in Iowa promise to be hot, but later in the week we’re headed to Lake Champlain in Vermont, where evenings can be a bit nippy, so I’ve packed pants and a couple 3/4-length sleeve tops that will pull double-duty on the plane. (My personal thermostat runs cold, so I find airplanes chillllly.)

Airport bathrooms selfies are the best.
Top: Gap
Red chinos: Bandolino
Cuff bracelet: Monet jewelry
Leather crossbody bag: Marco Avane
Everything thrifted but the Hank from Finding Dory sticker (thank you to my preschooler for color coordinating your sticker choice with my outfit).
Let’s get a proper look at that bag (and the Saltwater sandals I’m wearing all week) since I haven’t yet featured it on the blog:

Through trial and error (aka thrifting bags I never use), I’ve learned that I don’t need two similar bags just to be able to swap colors/fabric with the changing seasons, despite what fashion/the internet says.

But when I saw this bag, it occurred to me that I might find a different size bag useful – for example when I am not with my kid or at work.

It fits my wallet, phone, chapstick, and sunglasses.
This considerably narrows the window of when I might actually use said bag, but I can at least dream of weekly date nights and the occasional girls’ weekend, right?
Turns out it’s come in handy for more than that, though – we are flying with baggage restrictions (one personal item per person, thank you Spirit), and this puppy packs down into my tote bag (pictured on the post linked above).
So far I’ve loved carrying a lighter bag around although the kid stuff (snacks, books, great white shark puppet) has to fit in my tote.
During our wait in Minneapolis we drove over to the Fort Snelling State Park, located about 5 minutes from the airport, and went for a short hike. We spotted turkey vultures, turkeys, goldfinches, cardinals, bluejays, bluebirds, and downy woodpeckers and generally enjoyed being out of confined spaces. For this expedition I changed into running clothes and sneakers so I could sweat in peace.
More to come tomorrow, assuming I have internet access! In the meantime, tell me if you are doing the 10×10 challenge this time and your tips for getting away with a smaller bag.