Friends, November has been a fruitful month in the land of thrifting. Let’s begin with what was technically a late October find, but which was worn in earnest for the first time this month:
J. Crew Wool Pea Coat
I have been looking for a winter coat for the last two winters. My beloved red felted wool pea coat from college finally bit the dust a few years back: lining shredded, fuzzy finish worn down to bare threads (is that where the term “threadbare” comes from? I feel suddenly enlightened).
In the meantime I’d made do with a long camel number of similar fabric that had (almost) enough room for my then-pregnant belly. I told myself it was a little more sober, a little more subtle and chic.
But it too was wearing out and looked loose on me in my non-pregnant state. Plus, who south of the Mason Dixon line needs a coat that goes to the knees?
I hit up a local thrift store on a whim and lo and behold, this J. Crew number of the EXACT. SAME. RED was waiting for me in the coat section, in great condition, for $20—but on Half Price day, only $10!!!
I put it on and a piece of the universe fell back into place. Turns out all my attempts to find something different, cooler, more grown up…were all disguising the fact that I am a red coat girl, through and through. Ya couldn’t wipe the smile off my face all day.
Next up: Vince Camuto grey cigarette pants
(Are these technically cigarette pants? I don’t know, I’m making these terms up half the time. Don’t tell the fashion police.)
Shoes: repainted Trotters Whatever they are, they are INCREDIBLE. They feel impeccable, they don’t wrinkle but do breathe, they are the perfect color and cut and the shorter hem length just looks… insouciant…with flats and no socks. If Santa brings me some ankle boots I’ve asked for, you’ll get to see these paired with comfy socks in cooler weather. Otherwise they may just have to wait ’til spring to make it back in the rotation…or just until our December/January thaws. Did I mention I love Atlanta weather? (PS scroll down for full-length shots of these pants with blouses)
Merona Sweater Dresses Have you ever tried on sweater dresses and thought “Yeesh, are these supposed to make me look like sausage casing?” No? Just me? I’d about given up on sweater dresses when I serendipitously found these two babies waiting for me in the dress section of a Goodwill. Their looser, more modern fit is work appropriate and chic beyond belief… The zipper details on #1 and the pockets on #2 just kill me. Target brand for the win. Closeup on the zipper; one on each side
Leggings thrifted; shoes by Clark’s, gift. Linda Allard for Ellen Tracy tweed skirt This skirt ticks all the right boxes. It’s warm, has great visual interest thanks to its texture, and features great colors (hard to see in this photo): light blues, warm medium blues, taupes, warm tans, creams…in short, everything that is good about my winter wardrobe. It works with all my turtlenecks, several pairs of leggings, and my warm toppers. And it’s a pencil skirt, my fave.
You can see it in outfits here:
Last but not least:
It should be obvious from the pictures below and this post (whoa, long hair throwback!) that I can’t resist a classy polka dot. None of those elliptical, off-centered kind, mind you; I want solid geometry melded with a certain suggestion of playfulness. And some sparkles, naturally.
Chico’s white blouse with gold polka dots; hello, holiday parties!
Living Doll peach polka dot blouse—probably to be truly debuted in warmer weather.
(Ignore the awkward perspective; I’m standing on a hill.)
Lucky Brand peasant top (again with awkward leg perspective; we’re working on it)
This last one satisfies my yen for colorful, geometric pattern without stomping all over someone else’s culture. And the fabric, while giving the impression of a stiff cotton peasant blouse, is actually deliciously soft ____. Plus 3/4 length rolled sleeves. My fave.
This, too, shall probably wait to see the light of day until March or April. But thrifting in the off season is where it’s at, so keep an open mind next time you visit the secondhand store.
That’s all, folks—it’s been a great November!
What have you thrifted this month? Do you keep an eye out for garments of totally opposite seasons or just stick to one climate when thrifting? Scroll down to share!
I love thrift/resale shopping. Right now I am wearing a Chicos pullover top and a Coldwater Creek jacket that I have found at resale shops. They are great. I get lots of compliments on the various jackets I have found.
I love resale shopping and have been doing it for years!
Laura, you should post shots on Instagram and share your looks! You and Lee both find great stuff secondhand.
Thanks for stopping by! <3 xoxo
Have you looked into inrtgeating this in with the striking of pressure points? I have seen some interesting takedowns where a pressure point was struck at an angle of attack opposed to what our bodies have evolved to expect with similar results. Really enjoyed your detailed breakdown of the lower rib cage. You might also mention what happens to the diaphram (and one’s ability to breath) by upsetting those tissues at the same time as well.