As I continue in my Light Summer wardrobe overhaul, February has been a month of delicious thrift finds!
I stumbled upon an incredible wonderland in Waltham called Global Thrift with a huge selection, decent prices, and a friendly, fun-to-be-around staff. (Seriously, if you get into a discussion with the cashier about how your cousins dolled you up and made you lip sync to Linda Ronstadt songs when you were little, it’s a good day.)
If you follow me on Instagram, you may have caught my IG story showcasing the racks and racks of clothes, which are color-sorted, neat, and uncrammed (I’m looking at you, local Goodwills). They have several well-lit dressing rooms that don’t need to be unlocked because they’re right by the cashiers (looking at you again, GW). Between a visit on Monday and a visit on Friday (can you tell I love this place?) there was new stuff on the racks.
They are a for-profit, locally owned business; they support a foundation working to end homelessness and they give vouchers to folks at a local shelter in need clothes. My kind of people.
Let’s start with the misses, just for fun.
I’m on the hunt for light-colored blazers; this cool Zara number with no collar looks great buttoned:

But I like my blazers to look good unbuttoned, too, and alas, it bells out in a way I do not care for:

The baggy sleeves and special item $15 price weren’t doing it for me either. I had faith I’d find something better.
This green blazer was a perfect match for Light Summer’s palette but was made out of cheap, stiff, shiny stuff – nope:

Too bad, as it fit decently.
Next up, some blouses – looking ahead to spring!
The color is just a bit too muted on this salmon number, plus it was baggy and mediocre quality fabric

Which is too bad, because look at the cool button details on the back:

I’m not a huge fan of color blocking, and the fabric was cheap; but the green on this blouse was a perfect Light Summer color:

Too tight in the chest!

Lovely blues, great cut, but that slick/stiff feel of cheap…poly? in this Liz Claiborne shirt – I’m used to better from her. Plus it was a little

Can you tell by my smile that I love the print on this Van Heusen tee? It’s a perfect Light Summer hue, its Provençal-style fabric reminds me of happy days in the south of France, and I dig the split hem and navy blue back (hard to see, sorry!). It is about two sizes too large, though, as evidenced by its hospital gown chic:

I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled on online secondhand sites for it in a smaller size.
This tee had a great mix of Light Summer white and pink with some darker Winter pinks in there – but too big:

Baggy, saggy fabric made this Banana Republic top in a great purpley taupe a NO:

A dress with awesome pleats & salmon color, a not-awesome stain, and a size (or three) too big:

The awesome Light Summer green of this Gap vest – which, sadly, was too big – is just making me beam:

Plus how adorable is that faux fur hood? I’ll be looking for you on the internet in a better size, green vest:

Corduroys by D. Jeans in a great soft grey that fit fine in the legs but were a little too loose in the waist:

I’ve learned that that give, while it feels minor in the fitting room, equals constant hitching up in real life, and I want to spare my congregation & my colleagues from clergy crack. You’re welcome.
Still on the misses, here’s a sweater by Pink Rose that was both too warm in color and too see-through – I want to be able to wear my sweaters without a layer underneath:

And now, on to the hits!
First up, some amazing drawstring pants by Zara Men. I’ve thrifted a pair of Zara Men pants before and loved the slim but slightly slouchy fit and the huge POCKETS that men’s pants have. (There’s a whole rant in there about why women’s pockets are so tiny – sexism + keeping the handbag industry profitable being the short version. I’ll spare you.)
Anyway, look at this linen chambray! I die:

Here’s a better pic, just so you can glory in them with me:

Come warm weather, I’m getting my steamer out and these babies are getting WORN.
I surprised myself by liking this Old Navy dress with a pleated skirt. The pattern was simple and fun, the blue can pass for Light Summer; but mostly the fabric felt uber-soft and lovely against my skin. It’s a tad bit big in the bust, but I have plans for that:

Another linen summery item, this time a charcoal-and-white striped Girl Krazy blouse with roll-tab sleeves (my favorite). I can’t wait to wear it with trousers and a blazer for a menswear/gentlewoman chic feel. Bonus: it’s new with tags:

And a smooth-as-silk poly tunic with brass studs and ace tailoring by Pomelo – SO excited to wear this one:

A couple of Light Summer sweaters to improve my winter sweater palette – Gap Designed & Crafted followed by Loft:

I love the texture of both of these:

The side seam with overlapping hem is a great detail:

And let’s finish this where we started, with a couple of Light Summer blazers – yes!
First up, a slightly iridescent grey number by Oasis with a dramatic, long ‘n’ lean lapel and a couple of tucks in each shoulder for an understated pouf:

Look at that trim line! So refreshing when the vent on blazers so often sticks out funny in the back:

Another long and lean lapel with some funky notches happening in this Kenar light oatmeal blazer – yes please on that smooth silhouette!

Again with the good fit on the vent:

Let’s see those two in better lighting:

Yes. Please.
Thanks thrifting gods – I’ll see you next month. Mwah!